Manual Washing

Manual Bays

We accept coins and credit/debit cards and WashCards in our manual bays. Notes can be changed to coins in our change machine located centrally between manual bays 2 and 3.

Our manual bays have the following services:

  • Tyre and Engine cleaner (safe for use all over the car)
  • Bug cleaner (safe for use all over the car)
  • Pre Soak
  • High Pressure Soap (uses hot water)
  • High Pressure Rinse (uses cold water)
  • Low Pressure Wax
  • High Pressure Wax
  • Splatter Wax
  • Spot Free Rinse

We ask that muddy vehicles only use manual bays 3 and 4.

If you have a trailer, horse float or ute tray etc. that has a lot of debri inside of it, please sweep it out and put the debri in the bin. If you need a broom or brush and shovel see an attendant.

Longer vehicles and caravans

If you have a caravan, trailer or are a longer vehicle we suggest you use manual bays 2 or 3 since they accommodate the easiest exiting of longer vehicles. Maximum caravan length we can accomodate is 20 foot.

Maximum vehicle height

Manual bays max height: 3.8m

Why do we ask customers to push mud under their vehicle before they leave?

When mud is cleaned away from a vehicle there is generally mud in the wheel arches that drops down in front and behind the wheels. If this mud is not pushed under the car before you leave it sticks to the tyres and then flicks back up onto the vehicle. Also, mud is then taken out of the bay and left on our driveways. We want the mud to stay in the bay and off of your vehicle, so push mud under your vehicle before you leave please.

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